Dyneshwari Bide is now fifteen months old. She sits on the edge of the bed near her Mum, wearing a bright yellow dress with sparkly edging. It looks as though she should be going to a party rather than waiting for corrective surgery on her cleft palate.

She has a wonderful grin that lights up her face and makes her dark brown eyes dance. It  is easier for her to express her personality now because of the corrective cleft lip surgery she had in 2013 when the Northern Cleft Foundation first visited Aurangabad.


It is hard to underestimate just what an impact a smile has… it is infectious and helps breaks down the barriers that different languages create.

Dyneshwari has problems with food being regurgitated through her nose when she eats because of the gap in the roof of her mouth. Her cleft palate surgery will cure this and also ensure that her speech develops normally.

Lots of reasons to smile.