Kushi has travelled 100km with her Mum to be treated a second time by the NCF. Her second operation will correct her palate and provide valuable speech therapy.
Kushi has travelled 100km with her Mum to be treated a second time by the NCF. Her second operation will correct her palate and provide valuable speech therapy.
Deepak's parents describe being “scared” that he had been born with such a defect - they were concerned that it was somehow their fault and that they had done something to invite being “cursed”.
Dyneshwari has a wonderful grin that lights up her face - it is easier for her to express her personality now because of the cleft lip surgery she had in 2013. She has come back to us for...
Local doctors refused to operate on Ashiket’s palate because he was also born with a congenital heart condition - despite the fact it had been treated. With NCF help he now has a chance of a brighter future...
Ganesh was born with a severe bilateral cleft lip and palate causing him feeding problems from birth and making his speech unintelligible. His family travelled almost 200 miles to access NCF free corrective surgery they could never have afforded...
8 days, 83 corrective cleft operations performed, 83 lives changed for the better. Read our day by day account of NCF's 2014 Aurangabad Camp where we performed our 1000th corrective surgery.